Greater Good Diatomite Toothbrush Holder (Available in 4 colors)


This toothbrush holder from Greater Good is made of natural diatomite, which absorbs excess moisture from water and keeps them dry and clean. Diatomite is made without any chemical additives, making this absorbent soap dish safe, fast self-drying, anti-bacterial and a new way of green life.

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Greater Good Diatomite Toothbrush Holder (Available in 4 colors)

1. 6.1 cm diam. x 6.5 cm height.
2. Comes in 4 colors: off white, brown, light grey and dark grey.
3. Made with 60% diamtomaceous earth and 40% clay.

1. 6.1 cm diam. x 6.5 cm height.
2. Comes in 4 colors: off white, brown, light grey and dark grey.
3. Made with 60% diamtomaceous earth and 40% clay.


Item will be delivered via J&T Courier.


Our shipping fees cover the processing of your order, handling and packing your purchased items. Most items are shipped from our warehouses to arrive within 5 (five) business days of when you placed your order.


We highly take pride on the quality of all our items. Thus, we ensure the satisfaction on the items you purchased through performing quality measurements before delivery. If for any reason you would like to return this item, please inform us by sending us an e-mail at [email protected] within 5 (five) business days of when item has been delivered to your desired location.

Rinse with running water and dry in ventilated places.

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